Disclaimer: The thoughts in this blog are from research and anecdotal experiences in the life of the owner.
The heart is the most forceful, impactful component in our lives. The heart's power is to connect with who you are at the deepest level, helping you reach your full potential. Essential to every human, love, compassion, inspiration and creativity can be found through the heart. Even the higher order of reasoning and understanding originates and is experienced in the heart. Many people express that they don’t feel things in my heart but in the gut, i.e. I have a gut feeling. Science has found in experiments that the real flow of information travels from the heart to the brain then the body all happening before the actual event occurs.

The heart is connected to a type of intuition that is not bound to the limits of time and space. So, what is the heart connected to and how can we learn to tap into this connection? There’s no substitute for following the aliveness that our heart tunes us to. If you know and love yourself, knowing that you’re in this world for a reason, never alone, gives you a since of fulfillment providing a foundation for a relationship with someone else. You might ask if the heart is so powerful why is it so easily broken? Could it be that’s how the heart grows? The same way our muscles breakdown so they can rebuild stronger. In a moment of agony, the heart says give me more. As you return to love, finding forgiveness and acceptance, it pulls greater love within yourself so that we grow and change. If we always speak from our heart, we have 3 things to teach one another, simplicity, patience and compassion. In an age where we avoid the depth of feelings and the teachings of the heart, we can reframe simplicity as stupidity, patience as laziness and compassion as sentimentally. Simplicity is living in the now, living life by connecting to others, the planet and restoring our whole heartiness. Patience also restores us to heart. Compassion is empathy given. It goes beyond understanding the feelings of others; it involves an active desire to alleviate or lessen one’s suffering. By nurturing compassion in ourselves and our communities, we create more supportive, understanding, and caring environments.
What happens if we don’t open our hearts? If you don’t meet the world with who you truly are then everything around you will fill in that void. And yes, if you are open, you can be hurt, taken advantage of or even betrayed. But the cost of not staying open hearted is that you lose access to your true self. Your life is filled with consumerism, fear and worry and you will not have lived your life, the purpose in which you came realize. The heart has the answers, it is the seat of the soul. Quite your mind and listen. Every tradition speaks about the heart as the essence of who we are pointing to the most essential part within you. So, to live in connectiveness with self, combined with the power of the heart, is the power of life itself. Devine intelligence is within your heart. No one has ever found their soul within their intellect. What makes you happy? To listen to your heart can be frightening because you might lose all the “material things” life is giving you.

Mine was opening Atlanta Colonic & Massage in 2008-2009 when businesses and banks were failing. I discovered there’s nothing wrong with fear except if you let if paralyze you, so I faced it along with my family. I constantly work on this. The longest journey you can make is from your head to your heart because it takes time. Most people believe in the heart but live in their head. Right now, in the world we are experiencing so much hatred and war. Our primary purpose now is connecting to the heart in the moment, acting from a place of good intention, love and kindness that allows us to walk in the world without harming or infringing on another human being. When our actions become impowered and contribute something vital or useful to the world then abundance in some form can flow to us. Whenever you live from the heart, there you will find your treasure for it is who you are; it defines you. Can you let beauty in while you are suffering? When you feel defeated don’t pretend you are not, allow yourself to cry and suffer. Denying your pain will only make it greater and you’ll feel like you’re drowning. At the same time let your heart see everything good while you are suffering. Remember, earlier returning to love, finding forgiveness and acceptance pulls greater love inside you so that you grow and change.
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