Disclaimer: The thoughts in this blog are from research and anecdotal experiences in the life of the owner.
At the moment the world is seems divided into 2 parts, love and hate. On the side of love there are people like Mother Teresa, Mandella, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, people who no matter how much they suffered they still stood up for love and truth for another human beings’ life. On the other side there’s hate, there are people and events like Hitler, Osama bin Laden, the Genocides in Darfur, Rwandan, peoples indigenous to the U.S., slave trade all lead by people with hate in their hearts. Have you ever asked yourself where do you stand; is it love or hate? The ones who have stood on the side of love have known injustice, hate and mistreatment. It’s a choice. Ghandi and others like him believed people could change. I believe people can see things differently, it’s a choice. Life, the planet is a gift from Spirit, from source. When was the last time you saw the true beauty in your life and the world, truly grateful for all you have been given, to share with others. The mind can understand conceptually wholeness but only the heart can experience wholeness. The reward, if we can endure all that we experience we don’t just grasp it, we feel it. Our minds see things that are black or white, wrong or right, bad or good, always judging, creating imbalance. The heart is much faster and wiser than the mind. In the eyes of the heart black or white judgements disappear because the heart is balanced with a deeper truth. Maliciousness or hate can pit people against each other but love can overcome all things.

When you can give thanks for it all and love without conditions or judgements then you will be free. This is the power of the heart. Life is full of hardships and challenges that break us open to discover gifts, talents and purpose that we might never discover otherwise. So, experiences open our hearts allowing light and compassion to radiate from us. Even in moments that we wish we had not experienced, if examined closely, we see the extraordinary gift that is hidden in this encounter. Forgiveness is everything. When you truly forgive you release the emotional burden that frees you from energy blocks your holding along with the resentments you are carrying. How do we connect with the heart? First is knowing all you ever have is this moment. Our society is so busy there’s no time, space or silence for the heart. If you are never in nature, you are separate from the very assents of who we are as spiritual beings. With nature you become a whole human being with heart, brain and spirit connected and whole. Why do people pray or mediate? Is it so that we can listen to the heart? You must become calm, learn how to breath. If you don’t know what to do, do nothing. All great traditions that speak about the value of meditation, relaxation and contemplation all centered around the breath. Breath focused around the heart and restores us to the safety of the moment. In the stillness you hear what your heart has to say. It will give you guidance and tell you if you’re on the right path, called enthusiasm or passion. Where has our joy and laughter gone? Why is everything so serious?
It’s important to have fun even if it’s something that requires discipline, like exercise, have fun. Connecting to the heart helps you become childlike. As an adult you might think I can’t listen to the inner child, the dreams I had as a child, childish dreams. So, we forget the child but the child doesn’t forget us, it lives within us always. The difference between childish and childlike is childish reduces our world returning us to being self-centered. Being childlike returns us to wonder. It is empowering to be aligned with the heart which underlies all creation. It’s then that you find guidance coming into your life out of nowhere that shows you are connected to source, the heart. Synchronicity, a term coined by Carl G. Jung between 1928 and 1930, describes meaningful coincidences that seem to be connected, but can't be explained by cause and effect. Synchronicity is due to intuition which is our own spirit or soul working with our inner guidance placing us in the right place at the right time. You just have to be opened to it.

Maybe the heart is the only thing we can trust. This transformation where living from love rather than fear changes or transforms our own life and we can become channels or vessels to hold that possibility for others as well as the planet. As more humans live from the heart it will have a ripple effect going out to others only to receive it back in return. Have you ever smiled at someone passing and they smiled back. Have you ever smiled at someone and they look at you like why are you smiling at me? Every morning give yourself love and appreciation from a connected perspective and again throughout the day, reconnecting to heart. You develop a flow through life where you are introduced or see others that have connected to heart. If you calm, quite you can listen to the wisdom of the heart. Ask your heart any question. Who am I, what do I want, what is my purpose in life, what are my unique skill and talents and how do I use them to serve humanity? We are all here to serve humanity in some way. Your heart knows the answers. If you’re lost and don’t know what to do with your life take the question to your heart. Follow the light that lives within your heart and it will lead you to a life of purpose. Some of the biggest questions of the heart unfold as a path, not to be answered just to be discovered without attachment to what it will become. When we begin to connect from our heart and not just from our selfish personality, it’s a whole different way of existence in the world. When navigating through the world in this way the realm of ever expanding good in the world is revealed and comes alive on our planet and we are all better for it. Would you join me in changing the world one heart at a time? I am a work in progress as I navigate life but it feels better and better as I pilot with my heart.
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